HELLLOOOOO EVERYBODY!!! We are now one month into Iron Testament development! We’ve all made awesome progress that we’re excited to show you! With all the initial pre-prod heavy lifting out the way, our goal is to work towards completing an example mission to get a good sense of the core gameplay of Iron Testament!
Art Leads have completed Art Bible and Pipeline Documentation for art direction and guides.
First pass of the Summer goal concept art is completed, now moving on to the iteration stage and 3D greyboxing.
Still experimenting with environment concepts and props, also cataloging available assets.
Design has worked on making the entire “rulebook” of the game, which will help everyone else really understand our game's systems. We have also created a mockup level for the group to get a visual, though we are still iterating on what exactly we want to visually see. This is being worked on alongside the art team.
With design fleshing out the gameplay with a rulebook, we have been working on completing the core gameplay loop as we finish laying down the foundational game systems.
Our focus right now is to get the things we know we must have done as soon as possible so we can start prototyping in-engine. Right now we have a working camera, a simple level editor tool, and basic implementation of units and movement along with more structural code.
Our next goals are to implement pathfinding, objectives, and turns while also getting a start on the home base systems that we can expand on more down the line.